Wednesday, September 12, 2012

EOC Week 10: What Channels are you going to do to get your product noticed?

In order to promote my product and my company campaign, I will create a commercial that will be on TV when there are a lot of people (mostly men) watching TV. Some of the most watched shows on TV are House, The Simpsons, Friends, and many more. ( )
The shows and channels that most men like to watch are Grey's Anatomy, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Bob's Burgers, Workaholics, ESPN, Comedy Central, FX, Adult Swim, and many more. ( My commercial will show in all of these TV channels while most of the popular shows are being watched. This will allow my commercial to be viewed by more people, rather than just putting my commercial in a channel that barely nobody watches. I would also post this video on Youtube so that more people will watch it and want to purchase the Chapstick product(s). To get more people to buy Chapstick I will give out a sample to everyone who can relate a similar story that has happened to them because of chapped lips in the first 45 minutes that I launched my commercial to the public. This can cause a sensation and can make people talk about my product. This can will also allow people to be more involved in advertising and some of these stories might be used in future commercials. After my commercial more people will want to purchase a Chapstick.

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